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Looks great! Smooth 144 FPS on my gforce 2070 mobile.



Summary of this game: Chrrrrrrrrr Chrrrrrrrrr Chrrrrrrrrr :-D

Pretty impressive game considering that it’s your own engine and that it’s procedurally generated. The maze is really big and it’s a bit tedious to check all the rooms, but it helps that the crystals glow through walls.

For future games, I think you need to disable mouse smoothing, because it makes the game feel unresponsive. I also thought that ESC would pause the game, but it quit instead, it was a bit annoying to lose progress.

I like the graphics and ambience, it really feels like you are on a foreign planet. Though I think it would be more fitting to name it Jupiter, since it has no surface and is covered in storms, just like in the game. :-P


Thank you a lot! I’m still working on the engine, a lot of things need polishing and optimizing.

Disabling mouse smoothing completely would make the camera rotate in discrete steps, which looks really bad to my mind. Guess I need to test it more in different environments. Sorry for the ESC thing - there’s really nothing to show in a main menu or etc, so I decided not to clutter with useless UI and exist right away. Didn’t occur to me that this might as well be used for pausing the game! I’ll definitely use that advice in future, thank you.

Let me explain the point about Venus: although it does have a solid surface (unlike Jupiter, as you’ve mentioned), the temperature and air pressure are too high there (due to really thick atmosphere and greenhouse effect). Thus, the idea of Venus colonization usually concentrates on stuff floating high in the Venus atmosphere, see


Oh, that makes sense! I didn’t even know that colonization of Venus was a thing, but I guess the hottest planet in Solar system is not enough to scare us humans!

(1 edit) (+1)

As for the mouse smoothing - I guess it’s a matter of preference, but smoothing inevitably introduces latency and thus it is less responsive.

That’s why competitive games like CS:GO disable it by default. And I think it generally makes for better first-person experience, not only competitive.

It would probably be best to add a setting to your game, so that players could choose it for themselves.


Yep, that’s a good idea, thank you!