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Impressive tech for the destructible terrain! I was thinking of building something similar with digging mechanics. May I ask how you have achieved it? Does it involve marching squares?


Thanks! Yep, internally it stores a grid of values (just something like a hash map with key = grid position and value = float), and uses marching squares to produce the terrain. Shooting the terrain simply subtracts something from the grid values and causes the terrain to be recalculated.

Cool game, I like the level of polish, and the concept, with the ability to rewind too (I wasn't able to make great use of it, but still cool). looks like the map is procedural? Neat destructable terrain and leveling system. Would be cool if you had a destination, and had to knock through some of the level to get there. 

Thanks! Yes, the terrain is procedural. Interesting idea about the destination, — initially I planned the game to be endless.

interesting arcade game. projectiles/enemies are really small and hard to hit. might want to increase the size. 

Missing audio, bfxr would be perfect for this style of game!

Thank you! Small enemies is kind of the core point, but I may increase the hit radius.